Thursday, September 13, 2007

Dieting news 13/09/2007

Dieting news 13/09/2007
Teenage girls who start dieting are nearly two times more likely to also take up smoking regularly, compared with teenage girls who are not dieting. Among teenage boys, it is the inactive dieters -- those that tried dieting but didn't ...

Teen girls on diets more apt to become smokers (Reuters via Yahoo! News)
Teenage girls who start dieting are nearly two times more likely to also take up smoking regularly, compared with teenage girls who are not dieting. Among teenage boys, it is the inactive dieters -- those that tried dieting but didn't stick to it -- that are at risk for taking up smoking.

Healthy Dieting for Breastfeeding Mothers
ter a woman has given birth, there will be extra pounds that are left on her body that had been accumulated during the pregnancy. Many wish to return to their pre-baby weight and shape, as soon as possible, but if you are a ...

Welcome to (Gomera21)
"Hey You" Oolong Tea? The Magic Weight Tea "O" Uses Lose Weight Fast Without Dieting

Men have easier time when dieting (The News-Press)
Men who want to lose weight sometimes visit the Chandler, Ariz.

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