Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Dieting news 23/10/2007 08:12

Resisting Chocolate May Lead to Overeating, Study Says (Fox News)
Researchers found that the more people resist chocolate, the more they give into temptation.
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uExpress - WHAT'S NEW ON THE GROCERS' SHELVES August 19, 2007
August 19, 2007 -- Seafood Steamers for the Microwave. McCormick Lemon Garlic, McCormick Garlic Butter, and Old Bay. $2.89 per .53-ounce to 1-ounce pouch containing seasoning ...
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Military Medicine - Screening Military Dependent Adolescent Females for Disordered Eating
September 1, 2007 -- Eating disorders are increasing in frequency among adolescents. The active duty military population has a high prevalence of eating disorders. This study, ...
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HealthDay - Health Tip: Risk Factors for Gallstones
September 19, 2007 -- Gallstones are formed when bile inside the gallbladder hardens into rock-like pieces. They may or may not be painful, and may have to be removed or broken ...
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Science News - If you can stomach it: obesity surgery extends life span
August 25, 2007 -- Stomach surgery to curb the appetite offers a radical weight-loss option for extremely obese people. Two studies now show that those who get the surgery ...
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Research finds it may be more beneficial to give in chocolate cravings (ABC 7 Chicago)
If you have uncontrolled cravings for chocolate, and you are experiencing weight problems, maybe it's time to give in.
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HealthDay - Health Tip: Dangerous Dieting
August 23, 2007 -- The right way to diet and lose weight is slowly, over time, and while eating a balanced diet with plenty of healthy foods, the American Heart Association ...
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Getting the important vitamins (Carroll County Online)
Ok, so, aren't most vitamins important? Yes, they are. And for those dieting, some are better and more essential than others. Be sure to check with your doctor before starting a diet and/or vitamin regimen to ensure you're not causing damage to your body.
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Dieting is the pits! Think smaller portions (Villages Daily Sun)
If you read this column regularly, you know that it often returns to the frustrating subject of dieting — trying, of course, to put a positive, hopeful spin on the process.
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HealthDay - More Fiber, Less Fat Help Prevent Ovarian Cancer
October 9, 2007 -- Older women who stick to a low-fat, high-fiber diet could cut their odds for deadly ovarian cancer, new research shows. In fact, postmenopausal women who stayed on the regimen for more than eight yea
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